Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Map Skills

My son always knows were we are. We drive around, and he will tell me about times were were on certain roads, sometimes many months before. He will sometimes say what we were talking about the last time we drove past there, or where were were on our way to going.

This amazes me. It's a cool skill. He never gets lost.

We live in the Southern tip of Florida. We were driving to Pennsylvania last summer, making a trip we had previously made six years before, when the boy was three and a half years old. He remembered a stretch of highway that we were on in Virginia and told us pretty much exactly where we were.

I have one question:

Why does God give crazy-good mapping skills to a body that may not ever even drive a car?

It must be to help other people out, or perhaps it is a way for him to keep order in an otherwise disorderly world. Maybe it's a precursor skill to something wonderful that he may one day do.

I never cease to be amazed in the present-tense. I'm prepared to be blown away by his gifts in the future. It's better to be expectant than to be bitter and confused.....

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